New Brunswick man, 27, sentenced to 2.5 years for child porn charges

Cameron James Estabrooks, 27, was sentenced to two and a half years in jail after pleading guilty on Nov. 10 to making and possessing child pornography.

Estabrooks was charged in Moncton, New Brunswick, on July 19, 2022.

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The investigation, led by the New Brunswick RCMP’s Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit, began in October 2021, following information received from the RCMP’s National Child Exploitation Crime Centre (NCECC).

On May 10, 2022, members of the RCMP ICE Unit, along with members of the Codiac Regional RCMP and the RCMP’s Digital Forensic Services, executed a search warrant at a residence in Moncton, as part of the investigation. Estabrooks was arrested at the scene, and police seized several electronic devices,

Estabrook was also ordered to register with the National Sex Offender Registry and will be required to submit a DNA sample.

The New Brunswick RCMP’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit includes members from the Saint John Police Force and the Kennebecasis Regional Police Force. The RCMP’s Digital Forensic Services Unit and members from the Northeast District RCMP assisted with the ongoing investigation.

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