Ottawa man charged with attempting to extort U. S. teen for nude photos

Ryan Plascott, a 38-year-old Ottawa man, has been arrested after police believe he was extorting a 17-year-old teen from the United States for child pornography. He appeared in court Dec. 1.

In June 2023, Ottawa police and the Child Exploitation Unit (ICE) began the investigation and on Nov. 30 the NCECC unit executed a search warrant and arrested him. He was charged with two counts of extortion and unlawfully possess child pornography.

Plascott used various usernames online including, dylandawson8938, Alyssa-alyssagarne2160 and Tori-vicky_field4388, to contact police.

Anyone with information can contact the Ottawa Police Service Internet Child Exploitation Unit at 613-236-1222, extension 5660.

Tips may also be sent electronically to

For more information on how to protect children from child sexual abuse and exploitation, please visit

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