Sask. ICE charge Albert Wipf and Ren Ruiz with child porn offences

The Saskatchewan Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit has charged two men with child exploitation offences. The cases are not related to one another.

In the first case, members of the ICE Unit began an online investigation into child exploitation in June of 2024 and subsequently arrested a male in the hamlet of Grasswood, near Saskatoon, on July 23. 

Albert Wipf, 25, was charged with possession of child pornography and make available child pornography.

Wipf appeared in court and was remanded for his next court appearance which has not yet been determined. 

Another arrest

In the second case, members of the ICE Unit began an online investigation into child exploitation in June 2024 and searched a home in Saskatoon on July 24, 2024. 

Ren Edward Ruiz, 19, was charged on July 24 with two counts of possession of child pornography and make available child pornography.

Ruiz appeared in court and was released with numerous conditions. His next court date is Aug. 21 in Saskatoon Provincial Court. 

The Saskatchewan ICE Unit is comprised of investigators from the RCMP, Regina Police Service, Saskatoon Police Service, and Prince Albert Police Service. Their mandate is to investigate crimes involving the abuse and/or exploitation of children on the internet.

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